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Health Benefits of Curry Leaves Tea
Posted by Bernice Shak
Health Benefits of Curry Leaves Tea

Everyone love to drink Green Tea, English Tea, Chinese Tea, have you try to make Tea from Curry Leaves before?

My Garden Yard organic curry leaves

Organic curry leaves tree., like to eat raw ?

Curry leaves are extremely popular used in many Indian and Muslim and many people in South East Asia in daily cooking. This curry leaves adds a special flavour to every dish. They are food ingredients as well as medicinal ingredients.They are tremendously healthy raw leaves.

Most people think that curry leaves just add flavor to the food and they throw the leaves away while eating their soup or curry. However, curry leaves are far more important than many people realize, and they offer a number of health benefits without the side effects of other medicines.

In Ayurveda medicine, curry leaves are believed to have several medicinal properties such as anti-diabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and capability to protect liver from damage properties. The roots are used for treating body aches and the bark is used for snake bite relief.
Eat 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months. It is beneficial in controlling diabetes and also prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. It is beneficial in weight loss and also cures diabetes due to obesity.

Research on curry leaves reduce bad LDL cholesterol level , a wonderful medical on cholesterol treatment.

My lovely India neighbours shared me her curry leaves tea and her Ayurveda fresh ground curry leaves paste recipes for Veganlogy.

How to make Curry Leaves Tea:-

Fresh curry 30-50 leaves ,rub all the leaves with your finger tips.
Place in pot brew the curry leaves with pure filter water, drink the curry leaves tea in the morning or half an hour after tea or coffee freely. Drink and eat the leaves if possible.
Long-term consumption of curry leaf tea, achieve the health of our body’s liver, gall bladder or treatment of liver disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol. Can also help to reduce the fat, the best cure for the body.

Ayurveda freshly ground raw curry leaves paste:

Fresh Curry leaves about 250 gm and 3 tbsp filter pure water.

Place all the curry leaves in vita max blender blend utill smooth paste.

Pour into a glass jar and keep in refrigerator, finish within 3 days times.

1-2 teaspoon in morning and drink some warm water or in evening before dinner.

Ayurveda fresh grounded curry leaves paste benefits:
Lower bad cholesterol level
Help ease blood pressure
Restorative of degenerated blood cells.
Build up and strengthens the liver.
Help in the metabolism of fatty acids.
Good tonic for spleen and pancrease.
Recommended for anaemia due to high iron content.
A herbal tonic for digestive disorders.
A herbal tonic for diabetes,
A herbal tonic for kidney problems.
To prevent early development of cataracts.
Have anti-cancer age
Have some role in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery.
Help in weight loss.
Help to reduce premature graying & falling of hair.
Useful to cure ailments such as piles.
Useful to allay heat of the body.
Useful in blood disorders.
Help to ease constipation, asthama.
Improve your eyesight.
They counteract nausea associated with morning sickness.
They are used in the treatment of more tan 18 maladies.
Eating of 300-curry leaves every day give a disease-free life.

Source from Ayurveda.

Note: You can dehydrated the curry leaves in the dehydrator for 3-4 hour-110 F till dry or keep the curry leaves in the sun for 2-3 days,one they become dry and crispy,store them in an air tight glass jar.

Remember no meat, eggs, dairy, preservatives in food

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